As the days grow shorter and the air turns crisp, it signals the arrival of winter. These fun and engaging February activities will keep your kids busy this winter season. So, bundle up in your favorite knit sweater, grab a cup of hot cocoa, and checkout these February ideas for speech therapy.
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6 Fun February Activities
1. Groundhog Day -Upper Elementary-

Groundhog Day Activities-This bingo activity is great for teaching language comprehension skills. Click to print this Groundhog Day Bingo Game. As a bonus, you can edit and customize up to 20 bingo cards. Another great speech language therapy activity is this Groundhog Day Word Search. As a bonus, you can choose the difficulty level and customize your own activity. Enjoy these activities in a small group or individually. Books are another great way to work on speech language skills. Click to read my list of Groundhog Day Books for Kids.
2. Valentine’s Day -Upper Elementary-

Valentine’s Day Activities-Download my free Valentine’s Day Cut-n-Fold activity that is perfect for speech language therapy. Students can work in pairs and practice their reading skills. One student reads the clue, and then the other student has to guess the right answer. Then they get to fold back the paper to check if their answer is correct. Also, try this Valentine Symbol Sudoku activity. Your students work on repetition and recognizing patterns. Add vocabulary by describing the symbols. Books are another great way to work on speech language skills. Click to read my list of Valentine’s Day Books for Kids.
3. Black History Month -Teens and Upper Elementary-

Black History Month-February is Black History Month; an important part of our history and culture. Learn how to diversify your classroom with these little known Black History facts. In my engaging Black History Bundle; students learn about 32 historical figures and their contributions to society. Use the Black History Bundle with your students during Black History Month and beyond. I also like to do a project on the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Click here to grab my Martin Luther King Jr. Activity. Look at the examples below:

Download the Dr. King Jr. coloring page:
RELATED: Martin Luther King Jr. Activities
RELATED: Black History Month Activities
4. Dental Health Month -Upper Elementary-

National Children’s Dental Health Month-February is Dental Health Month for kids. This is a good time to talk with your students about the importance of good oral hygiene. Explain the benefits of brushing your teeth with the Painting a Tooth Activity. All you need is: paint, toothbrushes, and colored paper. Draw a large tooth on the construction paper and students take turns painting the tooth white with their toothbrushes. Another is a sensory activity with the Brushing a Tooth Activity. All you need is: a laminated picture of a tooth, toothpaste, and toothbrushes. Put a dab of toothpaste on the toothbrush and students take turns brushing the laminated tooth. Books are another great way to work on speech language skills. Click to read my list of Going To The Dentist Books for Kids.
Download the tooth coloring page:
RELATED: 5 Tips To Encourage Kids To Eat Healthy
5. American Heart Month -All Grades-

Healthy Heart Awareness-February is American Heart Month; a health education program that encourages people to live a healthy lifestyle. For nearly 100 years, The American Heart Association has been educating others on the benefits of living a heart healthy lifestyle. The Kids Heart Challenge increases awareness through activities and lesson plans by grade. The Kids Heart Challenge also features posters, fun facts, and infographics to use in your classroom: Heart Healthy Activities. Educate your students on the benefits of making healthy choices and the impact it will have on their lives.
Download These Health Conscious Infographics:
6. Random Acts of Kindness -All Grades-

Random Acts of Kindness Week-Celebrated each year from the second week of February. Random Acts of Kindness is near and dear to my heart because I recognize the significance of being kind. I try to be kind to everyone because you never know what someone is going through. It’s important to show kids that even one small act of kindness means the world to someone else. The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation strives to make kindness the norm through education and free resources. They provide resources for teaching kindness in our schools, at home, the workplace, and in the community. Kindness at School by the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation offers a wealth of resources to use in your classroom by grade. By teaching children to be kind at an early age, the world will be a much better place. Click to download Kindness Resources that include: posters, coloring pages, calendars, and more to use with your kids today!
So during this winter season, try these engaging activities with your students. Create lasting memories and help chase the winter blues away.

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